Czuker Edition Mikra'os Gedolos Kesuvim 5 Megillos
Newly typeset - Fully menukad - It will transform the way you learn Kesuvim!
The best-selling Czuker Edition Mikra'os Gedolos Series now continues with an unprecedented Mikra'os Gedolos on Kesuv'im. Many mefarshim never before together on the Mikra'os Gedolos page - with many new additions.
- Every word of every commentary is menukad, with the rashei teivos spelled out
- The text of every commentary has undergone thorough review and diligent research, based on manuscripts and early printings
- Newly typeset, user-friendly page design
- Specially milled, acid-free, lightweight opaque paper
- Incredibly durable, state-of-the-art, reinforced library binding
Classic Mikra'os Gedolos commentaries: Targum, Rashi, Ibn Ezra, Rid, Ralbag, Minchas Shai, Biur HaGra, Mezudas David, Mezudas Tzion, Malbim Plus These Additional Commentaries: Mahari Kara, Maharal, Minchah Ketanah, Rishon LeTzion, Chomas Anach, Sforno, Kitzur Alshich, Ri Milisa and more. .
New Original Additions Appearing on the Page:
Likkutei Shas U'Medrashei HaTannaim - An original comprehensive compilation, citing relevant texts from Talmud Bavli, Yerushalmi,and major Midrashim where a verse is discussed.
Baal HaTurim - An original collection of comments by Baal HaTurim on Chumash explaining verses in Nevi'im Sifsei Zekainim - Anthology of classic commentaries explaining Rashi's commentary on the megillos.
Dimensions : 7.5 x 9.75 inches