A Most Meaningful Seder
A Haggadah to Cherish With Stories and Lessons For All
By Rabbi Yechiel Spero (Author)
Tonight, at the Seder...
You are going to learn all about the horrible slavery in Mitzrayim and Hashem’s miracles that the Jews saw when they were freed.
You’re going to ask tons of questions and hear lots of interesting and amazing answers – and maybe come up with some great answers yourself!
And you are going to enjoy fantastic stories from Rabbi Yechiel Spero, the master storyteller! Pesach, and especially the Seder, is about freedom, miracles, and Hashem’s mighty Hand. And it’s also about ... you! This is the night when grandparents, parents, or other adults share the story of Yetziyas Mitzrayim with their children, giving over our traditions to the next generation.
In A Most Meaningful Seder, you’ll read about the many things that make the Seder so special. You’ll discover many of the messages of the Haggadah, and you’ll enjoy stories that make those messages relatable to your life today. And in a “Tonight, at the Seder” feature, Rabbi Spero will give you ideas on how to make your Seder a wonderful and unforgettable experience!