Tikkun Leil Shavuos with Tehillim - Hebrew Only - Pocket Size
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For hundreds of years, Jews in countless communities have been reciting Tikkun Leil Shavuos, based on the teachings of the Arizal and Shelah,and this custom has become popular among scholars and laymen alike.
The Tikkun includes pesukim from each parashah in the Torah and each sefer of Tanach, the first and last mishnah of every tractate, the 613 mitzvos, and selections from Zohar and other kabbalistic works.
This new all-Hebrew edition, with its large, clear type, is sure to become your welcome companion on this night of Torah study.
This volume also includes the complete text of Tehillim, which is recited by many on Shavuos, the yahrzeit of David HaMelech.
Dimensions : 4 x 6 x 0.846 inches
by Artscroll
ISBN 9781422640852