Journey to Jerusalem
The historic meeting of the Minchas Eluzar of Munkacs zt"l to the Saba Kadisha zt"l
By Rabbi Moshe Goldstein (Author)
Product Description
In 1930, a historic visit took place - one that few people thought would ever be possible. Two Torah giants from two continents and two worlds met in an astounding and inspiring display of respect and affection.
The gaon and tzaddik Harav Chaim Eluzar Shapira, the Munkacser Rebbe and author of the classic volumes of Minchas Eluzar was one of the foremost Chassidic leaders and Torah scholars of Europe. He led his countless Chassidim with wisdom, compassion, and firmness. The name Munkacs symbolized Torah greatness, fervent avodas Hashem and uncompromising loyalty to the tradition of his holy forebears.
In Jerusalem, the Saba Kadisha was one of the wonders of the age. The Sephardic gaon and tzaddik Harav Shlomo Eliezer Elefandri was well over 100 years of age - some said he was 120. He was a profound Torah scholar and Kabbalist, and despite his advanced age, his mind was clear. Like the Minchas Eluzar he fearlessly spoke out against those who tried to bend the Mesorah to make it compatible to current political "realities."
The Minchas Eluzar longed to meet the Saba Kadisha. Finally the time came. This book is a translation of the diary of that trip and visit, and its aftermath. Written by Rabbi Moshe Goldstein, a distinguished chassid of Munkacs, who accompanied the Rebbe, it is a rare opportunity to become acquainted with two giants of our past. The warmth of their relationship and their passionate endeavors to prepare the way for the coming of Mashiach cannot fail to elevate and inspire readers. This richly illustrated book includes many previously unpublished photos. In addition, the original text is augmented with biographies of the Minchas Eluzar and the Saba Kadisha.
This book is a priceless slice of a glorious past. All readers will be enriched by this classic.
Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches