Another Handful of Stars
More Stories of People who Light up our World
By C.B. Weinfeld (Author)
Product Description
A camp prank that haunted a man for two decadess...
A woman trying to run her own business -- and that of her competitor...
A beloved brother who suddenly becomes a woman's worst enemy...
Great stories, beautifully told.
C.B.Weinfeld's first collection of true stories, A Handful of Stars, lit up our lives. Now she gives us even more: more unusual true stories, more fascinating characters, more great reading, more inspiration. These articles first published in Yated Ne'eman and Ami Magazine have a cast of characters as vast and varied as life itself: A wealthy Long Island entrepreneur looking to put just a little "Jewish" in his life. A married couple trying to rediscover their shalom bayis in an upscale cafe. A shadchan who for some mysterious reason takes on one girl's search for her bashert as his full time job. Some of the stories have fantastic surprise endings, others shine a light on human behavior or offer instances of the most amazing hashgachah pratis.
The stories are so varied, but they share a common thread: each of them elevates, delights, and inspires us. These are stories that touch our hearts and uplift our souls; luminous stories that will light up our own lives, as lovely as the bright stars in the dark sky.
Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches